Thursday, April 20, 2023

Identification Required at City Voting Locations

Identification statement on Prop 412 ballot 

I just had a scare. I thought my State ID had expired so I couldn't vote in person. Got me thinking about those who aren't so lucky: those who don't have the paperwork, transportation, time off of work go to the DMV, or a computer and cellphone needed to sign up for an ID. Fortunately, the bills that prohibit mail-in voting didn't pass YET at the AZ legislature.
That's good news for the many Tucsonans who vote by mail.

Some of you may be saving, "Just get another ID!" I wish it was that easy. I don't drive, so I would have to catch a couple of buses and walk out in the hot sun - then wait most of the day in a line at the DMV. Deal with a lot of bureaucracy. What about those people who can't get off of work or can't find someone to watch their kids or who are taking care of an elderly or sick loved one? What about those in wheel chairs? Shouldn't they be allowed to vote? To get an ID on line - you need a computer and cellphone - and an expired ID number. Many Tucsonans don't have computers.
But here's the big issue: it's actually unconstitutional. It costs $12 for a replacement ID. So essentially you are charging people to vote. The 24th amendment makes it illegal to charge a poll tax.
Before you start spouting off about election fraud, all the expensive investigations showed no election fraud. I think it was like 8 people who voted twice and they were discovered in our current system. That is just a conspiracy theory spread to divide us. This session, the GOP majority sponsored over 200 bills to make it more difficult to vote. Why do you think that is? We need to make it easier for people to vote, not harder.

Some previous Request to Speak actions on bad voting bills:

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