Let's start with a little good news at the AZ Legislature. The House did defeat HB2588 wildlife; taking; landowner permits; rules . The bill ordered the Game and Fish Department to issue landowner permits for killing wildlife such as elk, deer, and antelope (it included oryx, which we do not even have in Arizona), and would have allowed these landowner tags to be expanded. HB2588 was a step toward privatizing wildlife and contrary to the public trust. Wildlife in the United States, unlike in many other countries, belongs to the people, not the government and not to individuals. All 27 Democrats were joined by 13 Republicans in defeating the bill.
But our quest to protect wildlife continues. Please, use the Sierra Club petition to urge your representatives to oppose HB2552 dogs; hunting; rules; prohibition that makes hound hunting allowable in statute, eliminating the discretion of the Arizona Game and Fish Commission to limit hunting with hounds during certain seasons or under certain conditions. HB2552 would sidetrack efforts to limit hound hunting of animals such as mountain lions.
But our quest to protect wildlife continues. Please, use the Sierra Club petition to urge your representatives to oppose HB2552 dogs; hunting; rules; prohibition that makes hound hunting allowable in statute, eliminating the discretion of the Arizona Game and Fish Commission to limit hunting with hounds during certain seasons or under certain conditions. HB2552 would sidetrack efforts to limit hound hunting of animals such as mountain lions.
Unfortunately, the big electric utilities were at the legislature in force with a gaggle of lobbyists pushing for their terrible legislation. What we did not anticipate is that more Democrats would give Arizona Public Service (APS), Salt River Project (SRP), and Tucson Electric Power (TEP) a way to avoid responsibility for their action or inaction relative to wildfires. Unfortunately, the following Democrats joined with Republicans to pass HB2201: Abeytia, Aguilar, Blattman, Connolly, L. Contreras, A. Hernandez, C. Hernandez, L. Hernandez, Luna-Najera, Simacek, Travers, and Tsosie. The bill would not have passed without their support and is now in the Senate. If these are your representatives, please let them know you are disappointed with their vote on HB2201 and then urge them to vote "No" on the next big utility bill, HB2679. You can find their emails and phone numbers here.
Tuesday, March 4th
Senate Natural Resource Committee at 1:30 PM
There are just a handful of new bills to weigh in on in the Request to Speak app. Please, weigh in on them before they are heard in committee. (The committee times are listed below.)
Sign into the Request to Speak here: https://apps.azleg.gov/account/signon
If you haven't signed up for the system, you can find the form here:
Directions on how to navigate the system:
Tuesday, March 4th
Senate Natural Resource Committee at 1:30 PM
- HCR2016 reinstatement; WIFA monies (Griffin) This resolution commits to full funding of the Water Infrastructure Finance Authority (WIFA) dollars - especially the long-term water augmentation fund that seeks water importation projects. It would be better to focus funds on conservation and reuse rather than seeking sources from other states or countries that might not be as reliable. OPPOSE
Wednesday, March 4th
House Government Committee at 9:00 AM
House Government Committee at 9:00 AM
- SB1013 municipalities; counties; fee increases; vote (Petersen) requires a two-thirds vote for any city or county to increase fees or taxes. This will tie the hands of local government relative to revenues, just as it has the legislature. OPPOSE
Senate Judiciary and Elections Committee at 1:30 PM
- HB2017 voting centers ban; precinct size (Keshel) prohibits the Board of Supervisors from authorizing the use of voting centers, removes language allowing a County Recorder to establish on-site early voting locations, and limits the size of election precincts to a maximum of 1,000 registered voters. All of these will hinder, not help, people voting early. OPPOSE
- HCR2002 voting centers; precinct voting (Keshel) is the same as HB2017 above, except that it would go to the ballot. OPPOSE
House Federalism, Military Affairs, & Elections Committee at 2:00 PM
- SB1142 elections; foreign contributions; prohibition (Finchem: Angius, Carroll, et al.) prohibits foreign funding for influencing elections, but also requires that everyone who files a report certify that they have not accepted any goods or in-kind contributions from a foreign entity. SUPPORT
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