Thursday, July 27, 2017

Health Care study delivered to Congress

"I see patients every day who have to make the decision between affording their medications or affording to eat "- Erica, National Nurses United

Nurses are on the front lines of our health care system. They are exposed to the millions of people who do not have insurance on a daily basis – the men and women who die because they put off preventive care due to lack of funds, the men and women who cut down their treatment or prescription drugs because they cannot afford the copays.

With Congress currently focused on health care, the Sanders Institute wanted to broaden the discussion to go beyond insurance coverage to a debate about creating a healthy society, with our citizens as the focus. Leaving millions of people uninsured should not be the only option.

The Sanders Institute and National Nurses United delivered a research paper, titled Medicare For All vs All the Healthcare Each Can Afford, to every Senate and House of Representatives office on Capitol Hill. This report analyzes our current fragmented health care system and suggests a system of health care reflecting the nurses' values of caring, compassion and community. Some facts to consider:
  • 28 million Americans are currently uninsured and millions more are underinsured.
  • Every piece of legislation currently being debated in Congress continues to leave millions uninsured and underinsured.
  • The U.S. spends $9,451 per person on health care every year. This is nearly two and half times the $3,814 average of other major countries.
  • 58% of Americans support a Medicare for All system.
The Sanders Institute believes a vital democracy requires an informed electorate, civil discourse and bold thinking. This in-depth report is a step towards those goals on a very important issue in our society.

- Jane Sanders

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