We did it! Last Friday Pepsi’s business partner Indofood had its palm oil mill and estates' "sustainability certificate" taken away.
Over 240,000 SumOfUs supporters signed the petition demanding the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO) take action against the industry laggard, for exploiting its workers and destroying Indonesia’s rainforest. Thousands more tweeted and shared a campaign video. Together, we pressured the world’s leading palm oil certification body to respond. That's something to celebrate!
Now’s our chance to get Pepsi to finally cut ties with Indofood. Pepsi still cashes in obscene profits from a joint venture partnership with the company, and Pepsi's new CE, Ramon Laguarta, hasn’t heard from us yet.
Can you help make this victory count by telling Pepsi to distance itself from the toxic palm oil company for good?
Sign to tell Pepsi to cut ties with conflict palm oil company Indofood
Our allies at Rainforest Action Network first revealed Indofood’s abuses two years ago. We used our collective power to drive up pressure this summer and achieve these sanctions.
And we did it! Friday’s report on Indofood from the RSPO confirmed:
Overly high quotas are enforced, that put pressure on harvesters to bring in their family, including children, or face penalties
Indofood breaks Indonesian labour laws by over relying on casual workers, who are paid less than minimum wage and denied health insurance and pensions.
The decision to finally punish Indofood is a critical step towards justice for workers who face dangerous, oppressive, and illegal working conditions. The RSPO is suspending Indofood’s “sustainability” certificates of the mill and estates where the abuses were documented and is requiring a corrective action plan.
While we're still pushing for the RSPO to suspend certification for all Indofood's operations, these sanctions are clear evidence that Pepsi must end its joint venture partnership with Indofood -- if its ‘sustainable’ palm oil policy is to retain any scrap of credibility.
Please sign the petition and help force Pepsi to terminate its business deal with Indofood once and for all
We know our people-powered campaigning can push big brands into action. Last month, after sustained pressure from SumOfUs members, Nestlé ended its own 13 year old business partnership with Indofood. Showing that if PepsiCo really wanted to, it could too.
And when 150,000 SumOfUs members put pressure on Pepsi’s departing CEO last month, Pepsi responded and stopped sourcing palm oil from Indofood -- but failed to cut ties completely, keeping its business partnership in Indonesia.
Unless we use this moment to double down on our campaign, with the threats of reputation damage, negative media coverage, and lost customers, Pepsi may hope to weather out the storm until the sanctions end. So we need to act fast.
Please sign the petition telling Pepsi to cut ties with Indofood now. Let's tell Pepsi's new CEO there’s simply no excuse for inaction on exploitation and rainforest destruction:

- SumOfUs
More information:
Palm Oil Giant Indofood Sanctioned Over Labor Rights Violations, Rainforest Action Network, 5 November 2018
Complaints Panel final decision letter (scroll down page for link), Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil, 2 November 2018
The Human Cost of Conflict Palm Oil, Rainforest Action Network, June 2016
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