Saturday, May 25, 2024

Sign to support creation of Santa Cruz River Urban National Wildlife Refuge

Sign on to support the creation of the Santa Cruz River Urban National Wildlife Refuge that would protect the river corridor in perpetuity from the area South and North of the San Xavier District in Santa Cruz and Pima Counties.

The ecologically and culturally rich Santa Cruz River flows through the heart of Tucson. After generations of colonization and groundwater overuse, the surface flow stopped running in some areas, with flows all but drying up except during heavy seasonal rains. In 2012, Pima County approved funding to vastly improve the quality of wastewater effluent that was being released into the Santa Cruz River. By upgrading the wastewater treatment facilities—which currently release highly treated wastewater into the Santa Cruz—local leaders, alongside restoration volunteers, created over 25 miles of vibrant habitat that has been foundational to the recovery of native vegetation, wildlife, insects, and migratory bird species.

The Santa Cruz corridor offers abundant recreation opportunities, including birdwatching at Sweetwater Wetlands and cycling and walking along the beloved 137-mile Chuck Huckelberry Loop, a popular paved recreation trail with dozens of access points that runs alongside the Santa Cruz and its major tributaries.

The vision for the urban national wildlife refuge includes an archipelago of protected properties along the Santa Cruz River that would offer permanent wildlife habitat and outdoor access. The Tucson land would anchor this “string of pearls,” offering shade, river access, and outdoor education for the neighboring communities. The Santa Cruz River Urban National Wildlife Refuge draws inspiration and lessons from current exemplary restoration work happening along the corridor, including the San Xavier District’s Wa:k Hikdan project.

Find the letter of support here:

Note: Adding a personal note makes it even more impactful.

More information and refuge design:

Santa Cruz named one of nation’s 10 most endangered rivers


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