Monday, May 20, 2024

Urge your senator to oppose bad water & voting bills before Wed.

Here are two actions from the Sierra Club. In addition to a terrible water bill, there is one that weakens our ability to vote. That will make it even more difficult to advocate for environmental issues and human rights. 

The Senate Elections Committee approved a strike-everything amendment on HCR2056 on Thursday. The amendment requires onsite tabulation of ballots on Election Day, limits the drop off of early ballots after 7pm on the Friday before the election, and requires identification to drop off any early ballot on Election Day. If passed, this would hinder voting, especially for Tribal and rural communities, create longer lines at the polls, and cost a great deal more than the $11 million that has been appropriated. Call your senator and ask them to vote no on HCR2056.

You can find senators' contact information here.

The Senate also tried to jam through a terrible water bill this week and unfortunately had the backing of the Governor to do it. On Tuesday, Senator Sine Kerr (R) offered a 28-page amendment on HB2201, which was already a bad bill. Her amendment made it much worse -- a Christmas Tree of bad bills written by and for developers, land speculators, private water companies, and two places -- Buckeye and Queen Creek -- that want the rules changed to get around the groundwater modeling and create big exemptions to the assured water supply program, so they can keep building the same old sprawl development. Believe me, we are not talking about affordable housing.

Thank you to Senate Democrats for standing strong against this bill. It was defeated 13-11-6, but it will be back for reconsideration next Wednesday. The development interests and the governor's office are lobbying hard to get this bill through, so we need senators to know that their constituents do not support it.

Please take action below and tell your senator to vote no on HB2201!

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