Monday, October 11, 2021


If you've had trouble following the latest developments in Congress, you're not alone. Here's an update on President Biden's transformative Build Back Better plan.

The Build Back Better plan is moving forward in two separate bills. The first bill, focused on infrastructure, includes a mix of good things and not-so-good things and passed the Senate in September with the support of Mitch McConnell and 19 other Republicans.

The second bill (The Reconciliation bill) includes a sweeping set of reforms that help everyday Americans and that corporate-backed Republicans hate, including lower drug prices, expanded pre-K, free community college, paid family leave, and raising taxes on the ultra-wealthy.

Last week, there was a big push to pass only the Republican-backed infrastructure bill in the House while leaving the crucial second bill by the wayside. But House progressives refused to go along, and Speaker Nancy Pelosi did not allow a vote on the bill, a key step toward victory.

Now, we're facing a new threat. Joe Manchin is demanding that the bill be cut by more than half, which would almost surely gut some of the most critical parts of the bill.

To succeed in this new phase of the campaign, we must accomplish one key strategic objective: educate voters on what's actually in the bill.

Now, that should be the job of the mainstream media, but instead they've been focused on building false, shock-value narratives about the cost of the bill—$3.5 trillion—without providing any context, making it easy for Joe Manchin, Kyrsten Sinema, and the Republicans to attack it. But failing to invest in education, clean energy, and health care ... in order to preserve tax breaks for Jeff Bezos? That's wildly unpopular—and to win, we need to make sure everyone knows that's really what's at stake.

This plan will be a game changer for Arizona.  

The Please, SHARE THIS INFORMATION and contact Sen. Kyrsten Sinema  and urge her to support the Reconciliation Bill.

Tucson Office Phone: 520-639-7080

Phoenix Phone: 602-598-7327

Washington D.C. Phone: 202-224-4521

1 comment:

  1. I notice it mentions Manchin but not Sinema. She is stalling the whole thing based on the fact she doesn't want people to get affordable meds. As I understand it her decision showed up right after she took 750k from big pharma. Funny how that works.
