Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Sign on to support Santa Cruz River becoming a wildlife refuge

The Santa Cruz River made this year’s American Rivers Most Endangered Rivers list. This list identifies rivers in need of additional protections based on water availability, water cleanliness and other factors. The Santa Cruz River was named due to threats from climate change and water scarcity. See what makes the Santa Cruz River important here:

To help protect this river, Sonoran Institute partnered with Tucson Audubon Society for a clean-up where 6,000 pounds of waste was removed from the Santa Cruz River. In addition, the Santa Cruz River team has also partnered with the Santa Cruz River Refuge coalition to expand protections for the fragile yet resilient Santa Cruz River from the border through Santa Cruz and Pima Counties.

Please visit this website and sign on to Support the Santa Cruz River Urban National Wildlife Refuge:

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