Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Call swing vote senators: Save net neutrality

The Senate will vote on net neutrality tomorrow, May 16. Last year Trump's FCC voted to kill the open internet, but Congress has the power to overrule them. It's going to be close. Fifty senators have already signed onto a resolution of disapproval that would overturn the FCC's repeal of net neutrality. A handful of swing vote senators could tip the balance. Call now.
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Net neutrality now
Tomorrow, the Senate will vote on a measure to save net neutrality. This is the moment we have been pushing for. Fifty senators have already signed on.1 With one more vote in our favor, a majority of the Senate will vote to restore net neutrality rules and send the fight to the House.
When Trump's Federal Communications Commission voted to kill the open internet, they ignored millions of Americans to give big cable companies control of what we say and do online.
But this fight isn't over. Congress has the authority to overturn the FCC's vote. Congress can use a "resolution of disapproval" to reverse this disastrous decision and restore the rules that protect the open internet.2
Thanks to the Congressional Review Act, Congress can review new regulations (in this case, the FCC's Orwellian-sounding “Restoring Internet Freedom” rule) and overrule them by passing a joint resolution of disapproval. Republicans in Congress used the process last year when they repealed important broadband privacy protections. And in the Senate, even the minority party can force a resolution of disapproval to a vote – making every senator go on the record for or against net neutrality.
Trump's FCC chair has shown that he is in the pocket of big telecom companies. But unlike the FCC, our senators are elected and they must answer to us. They vote tomorrow. We need them to hear our voices now.
Call swing vote senators: Support the resolution of disapproval to save net neutrality. Click the link below to make your call:
Brandy Doyle, CREDO Action

Click below for a sample script and the number to call:
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  1. Brian Fung, "The Senate’s push to overrule the FCC on net neutrality now has 50 votes, Democrats say, The Washington Post, Jan. 15, 2018.
  2. Kate Conger and Dell Cameron, "Wait, Can Congress Stop the FCC From Trampling Net Neutrality?," Gizmodo, Dec. 14, 2017.

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