Friday, May 26, 2017

The Arctic Extinction Game: brought to you by President Trump and oil/gas drilling.

Wanna play? 
According to President Trump, gutting the programs that safeguard our environment and health isn't enough. His new budget would also open up the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge to dirty, dangerous oil and gas drilling.

The Arctic Refuge in Alaska is our nation's largest denning site for pregnant polar bears. It's the last home to hundreds of shaggy muskoxen. It's a birthing ground for tens of thousands of Porcupine caribou. We should protect this untouched wilderness with everything we've got — not turn it over to fossil fuel companies that would decimate this natural treasure to make a quick buck.

Tell Senators Jeff Flake and John McCain and Rep. Martha McSally to protect the Arctic Refuge by opposing Trump's disastrous budget plan.

President Trump just released his detailed budget plan to fund the government next year, and the cuts are horrifying.

The budget slashes funding for nearly every program to protect our environment, our climate, our lands and our health — all to fund massive tax cuts for corporate polluters.

Only Congress can stop him now. Senators Jeff Flake and John McCain and Representative Martha McSally need to hear from you today, Jana. Tell them to stop Trump's draconian budget plan from ever becoming law!

This so-called "plan" is a colossal tax break for the corporate polluters who back Trump and his anti-environment allies in the House and Senate.

If this budget makes it through Congress, the impacts on our environment and our public health could hurt generations of Americans.

Here's a small sample of some of the most egregious cuts:

*A 31% cut to the EPA's budget, eliminating a quarter of its staff and slashing enforcement, clean water, clean air, toxic cleanup and energy efficiency programs — crippling the agency's ability to fulfill its mission of protecting the environment and our health. Contact your legislators now and tell them it's unacceptable. 

*A 70% cut to programs to expand energy efficiency, renewable energy technologies and clean energy jobs. Your representatives need to hear from you. 

*Huge cuts to the Interior Department, which oversees national parks and public lands, while assuming massive revenue increases from ramped up fossil fuel development on public lands. Tell Congress to stop this dirty budget NOW! 

*Severe reductions to NASA and NOAA climate change monitoring and adaptation programs, depriving us of knowledge we need to effectively fight climate change and prepare for more extreme weather scenarios. Don't wait to take action.

It's Congress's responsibility to stop this dangerous plan in its tracks. We need to start fresh with a responsible budget that puts people first — not polluters. But many legislators won't risk going against the White House unless they know that pro-environment voters like you are watching and prepared to rise up against those who sell out our planet and our public health.

Tell Congress to oppose this budget — an outrageous, all-out assault on our right to a safe and healthy environment.

Trump's dirty budget won't be finalized until fall, so in the weeks and months ahead, NRDC Action Fund and NRDC will be pushing back — and pushing back hard. NRDC policy experts are working on Capitol Hill to line up opposition in Congress. And we'll mobilize our hundreds of thousands of supporters via online petition drives, phone banks, town halls and face-to-face meetings with representatives.

Together, we will send a message to Washington and the world loud and clear: We refuse to allow President Trump and his allies in Congress to use the federal budget to devastate our environment and violate our rights... all to fund tax cuts for corporate polluters.

- Rhea Suh, President, NRDC Action Fund

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